Make Money from
Low Content Books
Ease of Use: (4.0 / 5)
Value for Money: (5.0 / 5)
Overall: (5.0 / 5)
Pricing and Sales Funnel
Base Package: $17
OTO1: $27 Advanced
OTO2: $17 Copy and Paste Templates
OTO3:$47 Ready made journals with PLR
OTO4:$297 Complete Kindle Business
So I really like when I can make some money online without having to put in a ton of hard work.
I don’t know about you but I got into this industry so I would not have to work my butt off.
Of course, the reality is that there’s no such thing as push a button and you start seeing results. But my buddy Alessandro seems to have come pretty close to finding it. He has made a small fortune from selling what are known as low content books on Amazon.
Basically, you design a nice looking cover (my custom bonus covers that) and then you make some basic pages on the inside. Then you’re done.
He makes journals where people can write stuff down and so he does very minimal amounts of work. But he has made a killing from it!
By purchasing Journals Empire 2 from my link, you get the following bonuses worth $197:
Warning! The choose your own bonus option will expire when the clock hits zero:

10 eBook covers you can customize in minutes using FREE software to pair with your new journal business!

10 Modules with THOUSANDS of additional graphics assets you can use to further build your journals empire with additional materials, both inside and on the covers of the books!

These are my best selling courses which have sold over 5,000 units between them. Now, you get to choose one of them for FREE:
Local Video Jackpot
The Income Formula
Graphics Supremacy
24 Hour Bux
White Collar PLR