Introduction to Refund Request Crusher
Ease of Use: (5.0 / 5)
Value for Money: (4.0 / 5)
Overall: (4.0 / 5)
Base Package: $8.86 (dime sale)
OTO1: $27 PLR Rights to Refund Request Crusher
OTO2: $27-$47 Subscription to Scalable PLR Products
OTO3: DFY $27-$97
Get Refund Request Crusher Now
I’ve sold stuff on eBay for more than a decade and like most eBay sellers, I’ve fallen victim to scam buyers who open Item Not As Described complaints. Like most eBay sellers, I figured that I had little choice but to accept it as a cost of doing business. Now Michel Sirios has come up with a brand new course teaching you how to beat back the scammers. He has ten years of experience in working on PayPal disputes and has a documented record of having won when people try to scam him. He reveals all his secrets in this course and offers samples of everything so you can recreate it for yourself.
Why This is Unique
Michel is the only person I have ever found who teaches how to fight back against the scammers on eBay and other websites. He offers clear information and a guide on how to do it.
Get Refund Request Crusher Now
What I Liked
I did like that he offers some samples so you can use those to recreate his materials in order to fight refund requests. I also appreciated that he offers an example of a refund policy that works.
What I Didn’t Like
The biggest issue I had is the wall of text in the first few modules. He has a handful of screen shots but it’s mostly just text. The course also was not revolutionary. There was no aha moment for me where I said “wow,” this guy is a magician. It was more that he shows that fighting back is possible and isn’t a lost cause and he gives clear instructions on how to fight back. I tried to address one of the biggest issues by doing a video version of the text material in the course as a bonus.
Overall, I would recommend this product given the pricing which is currently at $8.86.
=====My Special Bonuses=====
By purchasing Refund Request Crusher through my link, you get the following free bonuses. Note that these bonuses are exclusive. You cannot buy them anywhere else, not even from me (at least not yet, but I may pull them from this offer and start selling them because they are incredibly valuable with real world tested results):
Important In order to prevent the methods listed here from being diluted, I am giving away only fifty copies of these bonuses so make sure to get in soon.
Number of bonuses left: out of 50
Keyword Attack
A guide to finding profitable keywords. This guide is much more detailed that anything else out there. It comes from years and years of research in building websites (my other job). Real world value: $197.
Get Refund Request Crusher Now
The Traffic Multiplier
My personal guide to 5 different methods of generating traffic online. This again comes from nearly a decade of working online and learning every detail there is to know about how to generate traffic. I go into the details of these free methods of generating traffic. This guide alone is worth a fortune and contains training you can’t get anywhere else. Real value: $497
Oh and I’m sure you are asking, Eric, this sounds great but does it actually work? Will I get traffic with the methods you teach? So I took a screen shot from a site I run for a friend to show you the traffic he has gotten over the last 28 days using the exact methods I teach. 86,000 unique visitors in 28 days is nothing to sneeze at: