Fix the Biggest Killer of Sales
Ease of Use: (5 / 5)
Value for Money: (5 / 5)
Overall: (5 / 5)
Pricing and Sales Funnel
Base Package: $27
OTO1: $47 Pro
OTO2: $67 Agency
OTO3:$27 Global (translate automatically)
OTO4:$27 Traffic app
OTO5: $47 Traffic app pro
OTO6: $47 Traffic app agency
According to Google, the single biggest killer of website sales is speed. Or the lack thereof. Fixing this problem is vexing because no matter what you do, there are lots of pitfalls.
The Biggest Problem Everyone Has
If you have a website of any kind, whether it’s just a blog with reviews or your own sales pages, the reality is that if you can’t get your site to load in 3 seconds or less, 80% of your customers are going to be gone forever.
Why It’s So Hard to Fix
But how do you fix that problem? How do you deal with the need for speed? Well, you could hire a pro to help you to build your website from the ground up with speed in mind. And even then, there’s a good chance it won’t be as fast as you want it to be.
You could also just leave it alone and hope for the best and accept that many people will click away without ever bothering to see what you have to offer.
The Fast Solution
Or, you could just get Speedlir. This new software will render an exact copy of any website as a ‘static’ site. What does that mean? Well put simply, it means that instead of grabbing content from dozens of different places, it keeps it all together so it loads faster.
Plus, you get access to Cloudflare, which is designed to make sure that your website loads lightning fast because it keeps a copy on servers all over the world. Oh and did I mention that you get the sites hosted as well for a single lifetime fee?
By purchasing Speedlir from my link, you get the following bonuses worth $1997:
Warning! First Three Bonuses will Expire When the Clock Hits Zero:

Instantly Post Your Content to 16 different social networks all at the very same time!

Get 20 licenses to give away 2 months of Conversion Champ. Get any upgrade and get 200 licenses.