I've Found a Mega Mistake the Gurus Make. I'll Show It to You When You Get Wombat Wealth!
Ease of Use: (5.0 / 5)
Value for Money: (5.0 / 5)
Overall: (4.0 / 5)
Pricing and Sales Funnel
Base Package: $9.95
OTO1: $37 Pro (10X Your Results)
OTO2: $197 Steal Dawud’s Traffic
OTO3:$37 Reseller Rights
OTO4:$197 Solo Ads
OTO5: $997 Coaching
So my buddy Dawud just came out with his new course, Wombat Wealth. Basically, it teaches you how to drive traffic to your offers and it allows you to build your list by well, giving away Wombat Wealth.
The idea is basically that your customers get something valuable for free. The only thing is, why would you want to pay for it if you can get it free? Well, the people who get it free do have to wait until the launch is over to be able in turn to give it away for free but that didn’t feel super fair to me. After all, if you wait a week, you could potentially get it free. Not to mention that with everyone giving it away free, it’s harder to get sales if you just have this as your offer.
So, to make it fair, I’m giving you a massive amount of extra value. Get it from me and I’m giving you 20 licenses to give away 2 months of Conversion Champ as a bonus. This will let you stand out and it’s a $400 actual value.
Plus, you get to give away my own Durable course as another bonus or to use to build your list.
On top of that, I’ve just made a video with a special trick which will let you land in the inbox instead of the spam box. And the crazy part? This is something that a LOT of major marketers are doing and their emails are landing in the spam box! I’ve uncovered this tiny change through a lot of research and I’m giving it away only if you grab Wombat Wealth before the timer hits zero!
By purchasing Wombat Wealth from my link, you get the following bonuses worth $1997:
Warning! The bonus of my secret trick to stay out of the spam filter expires when the clock hits zero:

This one is special. I’m putting together a new course called Email Success Secrets. In the process of my research, I discovered one tiny (minuscule even) change that made the difference between the spam box and the inbox.
And here’s what’s crazy: I see a LOT of big name marketers doing this exact thing and landing in the spam box for their trouble!

If you want to get people onto your email list, you need to give them something valuable to get them excited! Give them these 5 eCourses so you can build your list with hungry buyers!

Get to give away my very own Durable course and done for you package as a gift to help build your business!

Get 20 licenses to give away 2 months of Conversion Champ. Get any upgrade and get 40 licenses. Get two upgrades, 60 licenses and so on.