He Made Over $6K and Didn't Do Any of the Work Himself?
Ease of Use: (5 / 5)
Value for Money: (5 / 5)
Overall: (5 / 5)
Pricing and Sales Funnel
Base Package: $9.99
OTO1: $27 Advanced Training
OTO2: $47 Trevor Carr Coaching
OTO3: $67 Resell Rights
Making money online shouldn’t be hard. It should be a relatively simple thing to do. The trouble is, it isn’t. Making money online is super hard. Or it used to be. Until Fiverrlicious came along. Fiverrlicious is a brand new info product from my friend Bobby Dolcee.
Why This is Unique
Bobby is going to show you step by step how he was able to pull in over $6k last year without doing any of the work. He simply outsourced everything and the only thing he did was to set up the gigs on Fiverr.
What I Liked
This method is simple and proven. Bottom line, anyone can do this and make money online in their spare time. It’s very easy and very doable.
What I Didn’t Like
To be honest, I was surprised to see that Bobby left this out. There is a very important aspect to getting started on Fiverr which he forgot to talk about. I don’t know if he didn’t know about this or didn’t remember from when he started but be that as it may, Fiverrlicious has a hole in it. But don’t worry — I plugged the hole with my bonus.
===My Special Bonus===
Warning! To make sure this doesn’t become saturated, I am limiting my bonus to just 50 people.
50 of 50 Bonuses Left
I have created the perfect custom bonus for Fiverrlicious. First, this training will teach you how to make sure that you can succeed with Fiverrlicious. It will provide you with everything you need to know to make it big with this method. Second, you will learn about another website which allows you to 10x your earnings. Instead of buying for a dollar and selling for five as Bobby did, you’ll be able to buy for a dollar and sell for $50.