Profit MASSIVELY from Done for You Explainer Videos
Ease of Use: (5.0 / 5)
Value for Money: (4.5 / 5)
Overall: (5.0 / 5)
Pricing and Sales Funnel
Base Package: $8.95-$12.95
OTO1: $37 30 more done for you explainer videos
OTO2: $37 Customizable PowerPoint Templates
OTO3: $47 1,500 HD Videos and 750 4K Videos for custom made videos
OTO4: $27 6 More Ways to Find Local Businesses
OTO5: $67 100% Resell Rights

A bit about me: I've worked in the online world for a decade now, building websites and helping other entrepreneurs to get their businesses off the ground. Now I want to reach out to the wider public with my unique knowledge of internet marketing. Check out the reviews for great ideas on internet marketing.
Full disclosure: This is my own product but I want to be fair and try to be as unbiased as I can be. I left my job in September 2018 and spent the next few weeks trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I decided I would try to sell videos on Fiverr. I bought lots of expensive software and taught myself how to use them, tried to put up a gig and to this day, I have never once sold a video on Fiverr.
I thought I was a failure and decided that I’d better try to at least take a part time job to pay the bills while I figured this whole make money online thing out. Well, I went for my interview and didn’t end up taking the job. But I did manage to sell them a video. I thought to myself, huh, I wonder if I can do that again. So I tried again and I sold another one. Then I tried a third time and did it again.
It was at that point that I realized I’d stumbled onto something unique. I was using a method to find local businesses that nobody else was using and I was also closing them with a unique, non salesy approach. Thus Local Video Jackpot was born.
Why This is Unique
Unlike many make money online courses, I wanted Local Video Jackpot to be a COMPLETE solution for you. So in addition to over my shoulder videos teaching you my exact method, I’ve gone a step further and created ten ready made explainer videos that you can customize with free software in about five minutes and I even show you exactly how to do it.
What I Liked
I think my favorite part here are the ready made explainer videos. These are the ones that I use myself and my customers love them.
What I Didn’t Like
The one major issue I have with this method and really with any method like it is that it’s still trading time for money. However, I have included a guide to outsourcing so that you don’t need to actually do the work yourself. You go find the clients and let someone else fulfill the work for them. Plus, I’ve included many more methods that you can use to profit from your customers, above and beyond just selling them videos.
Look, I admit I may be biased. Okay, I’m definitely biased. That said, I really do believe that Local Video Jackpot is going to change your life, if you take action with it. Go out there and make something happen.
By purchasing Local Video Jackpot through my link, you get the following free bonus valued at $97:
Warning! Because my time is limited, I am limiting my bonus to just 50 people.