Introduction to Blox

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Ease of Use:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
Value for Money:3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)
Overall:4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

Introduction to Blox
Pricing and Sales Funnel
Base Package: $17
OTO1: $27 Blox Pro – More ideas on traffic, more ideas on automating the Blox method
OTO2: Blox Max – Done for you content to use with the Blox method
OTO3: Reseller Rights — $117

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I’m not a fan of working hard and Blox is all about not having to work super hard. In essence, what Mark Bishop created is a way to minimize the hassle of profiting from affiliate marketing. Let’s examine why this matters: Let’s say you are like me and you want to make money by doing affiliate marketing. So what are the steps that you have to take?
1. Find a Product to Review – you have to take the time to find a good product to review. Not a big deal. There are lots of places to find these things and plenty of training that makes it easy to find winning products.
2. Learn about the product – This can be time consuming. If it’s software, you need to learn how to use it. This all assumes that you can even get review access to begin with, which is not a given.
3. Write the review and put up a video of your review – it’s time consuming. Each review I do takes me a few hours. Now I happen to enjoy writing these things and I enjoy doing videos but even I get tired of it sometimes.
4. Promote your offer – Thing is, you are promoting the same thing about 500 other people are promoting and so you have to…
5. Create or buy bonuses – I just bought a product the other day and when I went to the affiliate bonus page, there were 200 bonuses. I kid you not. 200 of them. Insane.
What if you could bypass all of that and instead create one piece of content once and then use it to sell affiliate products? What would that be worth to you? Think of the hours and hours and hours that you could save. That’s what Mark Bishop teaches you in his Blox course.

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Why This is Unique

Without giving away any of Mark’s secrets here, he basically turns affiliate marketing on its head and does it in a way that allows you to work smarter instead of working harder. It’s really a brilliant system which does amazing things for you and will let you quickly build out a website with hundreds of products for sale.

What I Liked

I’m not going to give away his secrets but he does mention two important details that I didn’t find anywhere else, probably because as I said, most of the other guys are so focused on trying to be newbie friendly that they end up not showing you every detail that you need in order to be successful.

What I Didn’t Like

I have three issues with Mark’s system. First and foremost, with the method Mark describes, I wonder if Google might end up penalizing sites using it for duplicate content. This is easy enough to get around by changing some of the content around and of course the ending of each Blox campaign is totally different but it is a bit of a concern so be aware that it might not be quite as hands off as Mark says. You’ll want to tweak your Blox offers periodically.

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I would have loved to see video – Mark is an old school internet marketer. He combines some videos with the Blox system but the videos are for newbies just setting up their own websites. The actual Blox method is described in a series of PDFs.
Finally, for sourcing, I would love to see more in the way of ideas of where to get completely fresh material. For example, it’s easy enough to commission the stuff you need in order to make Blox work by going to Yes, it costs a few bucks but it gets you something more unique.
Overall, I was impressed with Blox and will be using the method he describes in some of my own reviews here.


=====My Special Bonuses=====

By purchasing Blox through my link, you get the following free bonuses valued at over $2,000. Note that these bonuses are exclusive. You cannot buy them anywhere else, not even from me (at least not yet, but I may pull them from this offer and start selling them because they are incredibly valuable with real world tested results):

Important In order to prevent the methods listed here from being diluted, I am giving away only fifty copies of these bonuses so make sure to get in soon.

Number of bonuses left: out of 50

Keyword Attack

A guide to finding profitable keywords. This guide is much more detailed that anything else out there. It comes from years and years of research in building websites (my other job). Real world value: $197.

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The Traffic Multiplier

My personal guide to 5 different methods of generating traffic online. This again comes from nearly a decade of working online and learning every detail there is to know about how to generate traffic. I go into the details of these free methods of generating traffic. This guide alone is worth a fortune and contains training you can’t get anywhere else. Real value: $497
Oh and I’m sure you are asking, Eric, this sounds great but does it actually work? Will I get traffic with the methods you teach? So I took a screen shot from a site I run for a friend to show you the traffic he has gotten over the last 28 days using the exact methods I teach. 86,000 unique visitors in 28 days is nothing to sneeze at:

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The Site Builder

This is a short guide telling you more about building a website, including some secrets that you are unlikely to find elsewhere. Real value: $297

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31 Email Titles and training

Get my killer list of 31 high converting email titles along with my guide to show you where to get ideas for your own email text. This guide shows you the same techniques the big gurus use to rake in tens of millions of dollars per month. Real value: $997

10 Instagram Squares

Building an online presence today means that you need to be on Instagram. That means finding cool stuff to share. I have created ten original content inspirational quote Instagram squares which I am offering free of charge and royalty free to use in any and all online properties that you may have. Real value: $97

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A bit about me: I've worked in the online world for a decade now, building websites and helping other entrepreneurs to get their businesses off the ground. Now I want to reach out to the wider public with my unique knowledge of internet marketing. Check out the reviews for great ideas on internet marketing.

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